This is how I define leadership… Leadership: Consciously designing the impact we have on others. Leader: Someone who chooses to design the impact they have on others. I see everyone as a potential leader, regardless of their role (in work or in life). What is the impact you want to have? If you can answer...

According to Dan Denison’s (formally of the University of Michigan Business School) 30 years of research linking behaviors to bottom-line business performance the “mission” is one of four key quadrants essential to long-term sustainable success. In his words, it is essential to answer the question “do we know where we are going?” This can be...

Have you recently been in a situation when you felt like you were stuck in a conversation that was going round and round in circles that are going absolutely nowhere? Maybe in a meeting? Maybe while chatting with a colleague in the hall? Before talking about what to do in this situation, it may be...

There is a way of moving through the world that allows you to take in everything around you (and even have a sense of what’s happening behind you). There is a certain pace at which you are present enough to notice it all. When you are really in a groove, that’s when you are at...

There is a question that I ask myself almost every day… “How can I be even more comfortable?” Seriously, I’m being honest. And you’ve got to ask yourself the same question. So, do it now, ask yourself… How Can I Be Even More Comfortable? Really. You. Yes, You. Right now. Is there something you can...

Teams and organizations undergo change in many ways and for many reasons. Some say “The only constant in life is change”. In times of change there is one question that every manager needs to answer: how much attention do I give to this change? There is no ONE right answer. In my experience, the only...

I have recently gotten back to a habit I formed years ago: sharing a personalized appreciation at least once per day. In most cases, I think of someone in my life and reach out. This is done at random and with no selective process. Some days I think of my college roommate (hi Suz!), some...

When I first started studying business psychology I was a naive 17-year-old with a vision of everyone loving their work. I truly believed that it was possible to shift organizations into places people felt comfortable enough to bring their best selves while feeling rewarded, recognized, and fulfilled. I soon learned that in order to shift...

I absolutely love watching and/or being in the presence of people doing what they are great at. In February of 2018, my husband and I traveled to South Korea to support a friend of ours that was competing in the Olympics. I grew up watching both the summer and winter Olympics on television every two...

The first dream I ever remember having was when I was 5 or 6 years old. And to this day, the dream is still incredibly vivid. I can feel the little hairs on my arm stand up as I think about it now. In this dream, I woke up in a lion’s cage. The lion...